Friday, July 05, 2019

Our newest business card

Our newest card made to give out to those participating in the 
Livestock Conservancy's Shave 'Em to Save 'Em Campaign. 
This was inspired by the Vermont Sheep and Wool festival's 
This year's theme is heritage breeds. As a breeder of Horned
Dorset sheep I am entering items made from my hand spun
yarn as well as yarn mill spun for us by

As Jerry is a shearer of small flocks through NH, we 
bring home LOTS of fiber from a lot of our customers.
(THANK YOU to all who hire Jerry yearly, and to those
who share your fibers with us!!) This means I have fiber
that is part of the SE2SE campaign. 

I am planning on knitting a hap shawl from the various colors
of Shetland that I have spun over the years. I will need to spin 
more though as the center takes 1200 yards. I am hoping to work 
on that mid July when we have a week of rain coming in and I/we
won't be out in the hay fields, or the garden, or trying to get the
last of my fleeces re-skirted to put out for sale.

I am also hoping to knit a small lace shawl(ette) from the 
Navajo Churro that I've been spinning in the grease. It is 
not a wool I'd associate with a shawl, but with rugs. But,
this fleece, although it comes from an aged sheep, has 
been outside (both the black and the white) on a cattle
panel getting washed, and dried, repeatedly by  Mother
Nature. At this point the black looks more like a gun
metal gray. I need to go bring them in before it rains again.

I am not sure  if I will spin any Jacob, or if will just knit
with the yarn made for us by Friends Folly Farm in Maine
years ago. The Aran sweater jacket I am interested in 
knitting calls for 1200 yards of Aran weight. While I 
can easily spin that much into a fingering weight, I
would need to spin 3600 yards to make it into a 
3 ply in order to make Aran weight.

I won't get the Oxford back as roving until the 
VT Sheep & Wool festival, so I won't be doing 
anything with that except making a sample skein.

And, I've not decided yet what the hand spun Tunis
wants to be knitted into. Maybe it will just go into 
the skein competition. 
In the meantime, if someone is looking for fiber or 
yarn, we do have quite a bit available.
Unfortunately, it is haying season and we are not 
home a lot. I do not have the internet on my Tracfone,
so I am not online until early in the morning when I am
having coffee, or later at night just before bed (unless
we go straight to bed after chores) Some days I don't
get on at all. So, if you email, please be patient.

Email is eweifarm @

When I get a chance, I will post yarn and roving on the 


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