Sunday, January 26, 2014

Occasionally I get to spin

 This is a raw Shetland lamb fleece that I am combing and spinning.

 There are some 2nd cuts that occasionally get through.
I am not worried about the little lumps. Once it is plied it won't make a difference!
 I just love how combing keeps the colors pure.

 Lots of different types of crimp in this fleece.

 My Louet combs have gotten quite a workout.
One of the tines keeps getting bent out of shape.

 See the different crimps?
This is what I am doing at night while watching TV with Jerry,
and  waiting for the computer to download....
As soon as I get comfortable on the couch to watch TV,
I am asleep in minutes. So, this helps me to watch a 
recorded program with him before we go to bed.
And, it lets my mind unwind!!

I have more fleece than I will ever spin, so I joined a group on Face Book.
Spin A Pound, Get A Pound.
I have quite a few Shetland fleeces out to be spun,
and I have gotten 3 great yarns back so far.
Tomorrow I will ship out another fleece.

In a month or so I will be taking both Corriedale and Merino
to a mill in southern NH to have yarn and roving made for sale.

In May, I will drop more fleece off with Zeilinger
Wool Company to have quilt batts made.

I hope to have some time off in the upcoming few months
to completely gut our basement and paint it.
That means all of the fleece needs to go out to be processed.
I have 100's of pounds that are washed waiting to be picked
and then carded into either batts or roving.

I won't get anything done if I stay here on the computer!!
I will post updates as things happen.


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