Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And then there were 7..........

Heifer-Dorset X BL/Jacob. 2 ewes born at 1:30 this morning.
Keira-Dorset/Romney. Her first lamb, a ram, born at 4:30 this morning.
These two are half sisters.

Rachael-Horned Dorset. Her second lambing, one ram at 9 am this morning.

A three pack lambing jug. I hope they slow down for another day or two. I can only fit one more ewe and lamb(s) and I only have one more light.

Sarah and Valentine. Ruth and Friday (Robinson Crusoe's 'friend) and 13. Anyone watch House?
Valentine, born Valentine's day and Friday and 13 born Friday the 13th. (o;
13 more ewes to go........


melanie said...

wow, I Love seeing it happen... i'm expecting our first lambs late may... I'll need to figure this all out, but i'm looking forward to it.. any tips will be appreciated... tell me is there a "lambing" kit that i should start putting together... I only have 4 ewes at the moment, two are yearlings, and the other two are two...

Dori Ann said...

Holy Cow!! Or should I say Holy Sheep!! They are so cute!!! A sheep here. a sheep there. here a sheep, there a sheep, everywhere a sheep sheep!

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