Friday, June 14, 2019


We LOVE our dragonflies. We look forward to their return each year. Last year, with all the rain we had, we had dragonflies hatch out 3 times. If I can get a picture of any of ours, I will post it here. Right now my camera can not catch the large numbers of them in flight.

Between the Phoebes, the Swallows and the dragonflies, we have very few mosquitoes and black flies around  the house and barn. The white faced wasps and the spiders help with fly control in the barn. The only biting bug we've not found not being eaten in large enough number for us in the gnats (AKA 'no seeums')

Things you may not have known about dragonflies taken from other websites.

Living all the river's edge, we already have a number of these plants growing on the farm naturally.
10 plants that attract dragonflies

It amazes me every year that I am on Face Book (, the number of people on the farm and garden sites that post 'What is this?', and they are all looking for ways to kill them, and to keep them out of their water sources.

This is an old article, but did you know that you can buy dragonfly larvae?

And, here.

Even as nymphs, dragonflies are fantastic killers!

I just love how, if we work WITH nature, life around us takes care of itself AND takes care of us.

Yes, I know the ticks are horrific this year!! But, with the grass being short (thanks to sheep control) and DE (Diatomaceous earth) placed correctly on the ground as to not kill the bees, we've not seen one (except when we go out in the woods) for quite a while. We had none for 2 years, thanks to the chickens, the sheep grazing, and the possum. But, no chickens since I broke my ankle and I think we lost our possum this winter.

So, get rid of your chemical  weed and bug killers. Plant the plants that will deter mosquitoes and that will attract the dragonflies. As well as flowering plants to attract the native birds to eat the bugs. Work WITH nature, not against her!

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