Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The year of destash, 10 months later

No sense in waiting until the last minute to update the destash...Click on the title to go to the original post back in January. 

So...this is some of the original post and how far I got.

I resolve to clean out my wool closet by
A) carding all of the fleeces in there That didn't happen, but I did send 13 lambs fleeces and a whole lot of adult fleeces sent to Zeilinger's to be made into roving in the early spring. I sent more fleeces to 3 different mills this fall.
B) selling some of those washed fleeces (or at least parts of them), so watch the fleece pages  Sorry, been busy. Will try to get these posted for the winter.
C) spinning the batts or  I have been spinning some out of the closet. Need to sell more...
D) selling the batts, will also be on the fleece page.  same as b...

I resolve to clean the yarn out of the wool closet by
A) knitting lots of hats and mittens for upcoming festivals and farmer's markets  did this
B) selling stashed yarn, also on the fleece page  sold some
C) weaving up a batch of the chenille, and maybe some wool, on friend Sue's triangle loom.  haven't done this yet. Hoping to teach my sister to weave while she is here from Guam. (maybe)

This has been 10 months of busy, busy, busy. Now that the majority of my shows and all my farmer's markets are over I can be busy here on the farm. And with my sister and her husband here from Guam, I can forget the house and concentrate on the business. Stayed tuned!!!

(My sister and her husband are missionaries with Trans World Radio. Check out their blog! http://ktwrdrm.blogspot.com/     http://ktwrdrm.blogspot.com/2010/07/starting-off-transmitters-arrive-on.html -my brother in law is to the far left. I plan on doing a post on them sometime soon.)


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