Thursday, July 14, 2016

Just a day in the hay field

Using Pam's camera. She and I hung out in the truck and chatted while I knitted as we were waiting on the 'boys' to rake and bale the field. 208 bales of hay later.... We got home at 7:15 pm in 89 degree heat and decided to just cover it on the trailer. We have to shear this afternoon, and if it is not raining, we will unload it. Right now at 10:30 am it is 75 degrees and 75% humidity....

 Jerry on his new tractor headed out to rake
 John's new tractor.

 Pam in their new truck.

 Jerry raking, John baling.

 Sitting in the truck watching hubby load bales on 
the trailer behind me. Just waiting to move forward.

 Truck and trailer loaded.
Truck will be prettier once the back is removed
and replaced with a pressure treated flat deck.
There are 84 bales under that tarp.

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