Wednesday, January 23, 2019


 Born to Socks on 1/18/19.
This little ewe's name is Spot and
she will be staying on the farm.
 5 days old

 Today is the first day the majority of the lambs
and their mothers were let outside. It is the first 
day since they have been born that it was warm
enough to do so. I can't get any outside shots as
white lambs against white snow do not show up.

As of right now we are keeping Jonna's twin ewes,
Sophia (Sofie) and Sylvia (Sylvie), and Spot.
We will see if there are any other Horned Dorset
ewe lambs that will fit our needs. Right now we still
have two Horned Dorset ewes who have not yet lambed.
As well as 17 others. If Chip (Horned Dorset) is the sire,
they will need to lamb by the end of the month. Anyone
lambing after February 1st, Jeremy (our black chocolate 
Dorset/Romney) will be there sire.

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