Friday, February 01, 2008

Happy February

Can you believe it is February already? I have been so busy dyeing this past month, that it zipped right by me....The UFO's (on my knitting blog) that I planned on tackling this month are still languishing in their bag... )o: I have been consistently knitting on my heavy cape though. And that is only because it has a deadline.
We are in for another winter storm tonight. Possibly 6" of snow with ice. I thank God for my Subaru. It does quite well in the snow. If I didn't have Farmer's Market tomorrow, I would stay home and enjoy the sheep. But, I will be there with all my newly dyed roving and yarn. See the yarn blog for pictures of that...
These are from a couple of days ago. We have been letting Horatio mingle with the flock a little at a time. Our newest Horned Dorset ewe from last year, Candace, slammed him into the wall the first time we let him loose. And I thought I was watching pretty closely. )-: But, he is ok and she was reprimanded. He is out with all of the girls full time now. We are just awaiting the rest of the lambs................
Here the girls are distracted by the greens and he is bouncing about. Keira, the first lamb of 2007 is checking him out and deems him ok.
Chloe, is absolutely fascinated by him and followed him around a lot. (o:


Melissa said...

Hi Cindy! ...You mean the first lamb of 2008 ;o)

Ewe & I Farm said...

Nope! Horatio is the first lamb of 2008 and Keira was the first lamb of 2007. (o;

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