Thursday, July 31, 2008

Up to date.........hopefully

OK. I have uploaded most of the pictures that I've been saving for the blog. I think I am up to date. Now that I am getting used to working again, I should be able to stay on top of this blog more. I will have my camera with me when I am working, so there will probably be work photos as well.

I will be updating the fleece blog this weekend. I need to destash a lot of my rovings that I will never get to spin or needlefelt, and a lot of yarn that I will never have the time to knit.

It is time to simplify my life and to have only what I can use at that time. If we decide to move, I don't need to move the 'extras' with me. And I am tired of cleaning around things I don't use. If I decide to have a yard sale, or post stuff on eBay, I will post it here first.

Off to Farmer's market!! Have a wonderful weekend all!!!

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