Friday, November 11, 2011

Introducing Jack Black and Earl(ine) Gray

I am not enjoying Blogger these days. I download the pictures in order and they still get messed up...

Anyhow...we lost our Maxmillian to a critter, and since we
have so many mice and what not, we decided we needed a
couple of kittens. Psycho is 9 and not a mouser. She will
play with them, but not kill. So we got 2 'male' kittens. Earl is
actually Earline, but she doesn't know that. There have already
been 2 mice in the house, and she is going to be head mouser.
I think Jack will be an adorable lap cat. Someones got to do it.

Now that I am stuck, she thinks it is fun to beat on me...
I am falling and I get get up!!

Is anyone watching me?

(part 2 is below...) 
Help! I am stuck in the couch!!

Do we want to go out there?
See 9 yr old Psycho with the kittens?

I am going to get you chicken!

The kittens spend a lot of time in front of the sliding glass
door watching the chickens. Earl can't really be bothered, but
Jack likes to act big and tough. He pounces and then falls down.
If he were actually outside, the chicken would enjoy his tummy.

I am going to get you yarn!

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