Monday, October 29, 2012

Call me the crazy chicken lady!

Friday afternoon while I was at school (there will be a separate post about that) Jerry picked me up 10 more hens from our neighbor down the road. Every year he buys new hens and replaces the 'old' hens. The girls we picked up from him were born May 2011. The hens I picked up last month we born March 2011, as were my own girls.
So, this years chicken investment is $30 for 25 mixed (Ameracauna, Easter Eggers and NH Reds) and $50 for 25 that I need to write down the breed he told me... So, $80 for 50 new hens. This morning when I went out to let out the flock there were already 15 eggs. At $2.50/dozen they made me $3.13. They will pay for themselves in less than 2 weeks with the 2+ dozen a day that they are laying.
My girls are molting, these are not. If we can get them to stay on a rotating molting schedule, I will be happy. I know they need to molt, but no eggs makes me and my customers up happy. Today, I am happy to report there are 6 dozen eggs in the fridge at the top of the driveway and so far, 4 dozen on the table in the house.
(I will not be leaving eggs in the fridge overnight Tuesday or Wednesday nights. If you need eggs those two nights, you will have to come down the hill to the farm!)

So. If my numbers are correct... I am now owned by one rooster and 80 hens.

I am happy to be the sheep farmer with the beautiful mixed flock of chickens! TTFN   

And, on a side note. While perusing others blogs this morning I came upon this. It is not something I can try until next spring, but maybe this blog post from The Chicken Chick will help someone else now.

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