Friday, January 11, 2008

Some of the skirting has begun!

I have started skirting, bagging, tagging and weighing fleeces. Below are 6 white fleeces. I have 2 more white left to do and then 10 colored fleeces. I will get to those Saturday when the sun comes back out.
In the future, I am going to go back to my old ways. Until this shearing, I used to skirt, bag and tag as the sheep were sheared. Then all I had to do was weigh and price. That way was much quicker and easier on my back.
So, this way is going to take a while............... If there is a sheep's fleece you are really interested in, please let me know and I will pull it and weigh it sooner.
Prices do not include shipping. Email me with your zip and the fleece(s) you are interested in for an invoice.
Have a great day all!! It is sleeting and putting a glaze of ice over everything! Very unsafe to be outside today. Good day to dye.......hmmmmmmmmm.
This is what flew over me as I was skirting. I thought it was the Clintons leaving the state, or another terrorist being escorted to only God knows where.... But when I blew up the pictures, Jerry said it was jets refueling.
I wish to stand up here on my blog and applaud our military!! I hope the rest of our country appreciates what these soldiers do for us all daily!! Thank you to all our soldiers, past and present!!!

My skirting table. Made by Butch Barrett for his (then) wife. She got rid of all her sheep, some of whom live here, and gave me the table. The only fleece on the farm that won't fit on this table is Goliath, my Corriedale. (o;

Victoria-polled Dorset

Staple length is 2 1/2-3" Since the tips are slightly felted down, this is probably less than the actual measurement. But I measure it as it presents. 4# 12 oz. for $47.50

Ruth-Horned Dorset 2nd shearing
Very short staple-1 1/2" 3# for $30
Like her sister, Rachael, this is a 10 month fleece and her first pregnancy.
If this does not sell, I will wash it and send it out for sock yarn.
One of the local mini mills in NH wants their fleeces no more than 2" for yarn. So if you want to send this fleece (or any of them!) to your favorite mill to be made into yarn or roving, let us know!!

Sweetie is from a Dorset ewe and a Romney ram. She is Maggie's full sister.
Her fleece is more on the Romney side, unlike Maggie.
Staple length is 3 1/2". 3# 6 oz. for $33.75

She reminds me of cotton candy.

Rolled side to side, ready to roll from tail to head for sale.

The outside of her fleece.
Susan is from a Dorset/Romney ewe crossed with a Shetland ram. She is Maggie's daughter. This year Susan has given us 3 distant fleece types. She has fine crimpy fleece in the center of her back, which leads to wavy fleece down her sides, and ends with a long less wavy fleece at the back.Her staple length is 3"-5".

Her fleece weighs 3# 8 oz. for $23.75.

Rachael-Horned Dorset 2nd shearing
I am not happy with the fleece in the fact that the staple length is short enough that the fleece would not stay intact. If I don't sell it here, then I will wash it and send it and Ruth's out to be made into sock yarn. It is a gorgeous fleece, a little shorter than last year. But she was sheared 10 months ago and she is pregnant for the first time. Although short makes a good woolen yarn.
Staple length is 2" and she weighs a whopping 2# 7 oz. for a total of $24.40

Fluffy is from a Columbia/Romney X Border Leicester Romney.

She has an incredible fine fleece. I am spinning her lamb's fleece on a drop spindle, and am spinning an almost lace weight. I am a beginner at drop spindling.

We had a problem with shearing her this year as she was quite flighty. It may have something to do with the fact that she is pregnant for the first time. She stood up mid-shearing and 'shattered' her fleece. It also has some fresh hay in it. I picked out all I could...
Her staple length is 3". Her fleece weighs 3# 8 oz. for $35

Look at that crimp! Would make a beautiful shawl!

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