Thursday, January 17, 2013


 So far the WIP's that I am working on organizing are my spinning. I've been collecting small bits and bobs of fiber and spinning it up. It then gets wound off and made into a 'cake'. I pulled out this behind the sink shelf and placed it on my desk where I do most of my spinning. I have a LOT more to collect and organize, but at least I made a start. I will collect knitting bags later and see what in each one...
The 3 stacked on top of one another are pink Angora rabbit, pale blue Samoyed Husky blended with white Corriedale, and gray Romney ram lamb. I am considering plying the 3 together to make a hat. I would 2 ply the remaining lamb for the brim. What do you think?

 And then of course there is Jack Black. I have my lap covered with a sheep coat, of all things, to finish spinning up the rabbit last night. He came in from the snow, nice and wet and decided this was the place to dry off and sleep. But, as you can see above the rabbit did finally get done. You 'met' him yesterday as he was out in the winter pasture with me and the sheep.
 There will be a WIP's 2 and a UFO posting eventually. 
You will get to see a sampling of what we have for sale then.

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